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Film Review: American Ninja 2: The Confrontation (1987)

Film Review: American Ninja 2: The Confrontation (1987)

Small-2 of 5 Stars-Black

The Daily Orca-Movies My Wife Made Me Watch-American Ninja 2 (1987)

Ninjas were a legitimate threat in the 80s. At least that’s what the movie business would have you believe. Personally, I never ran afoul of any, but I’m sure I’m just one of the lucky ones. I’m not sure why my wife recommended we watch American Ninja II, but there we sat (I even made popcorn). I hadn’t seen the first one, but Jes assured me that I’d be able to pick up the plot (there were some flashbacks to the first film included, so that helped). I can’t say that I liked the movie, but I can’t say that I hated it either. I found myself a bit surprised that I’d never seen it before, to tell you the truth. I was pretty into ninjas and stuff when I was a kid.

The Daily Orca-Movies My Wife Made Me Watch-American Ninja 2 (1987)

This is where I would usually give you a plot synopsis of the film. I’ll skip that this time around. I think it’s best for the film to unfold naturally for you. There’s a lot of twists and turns that I don’t want to spoil, or maybe I haven’t quite figured them out yet, I’m not sure. I advise you to pay attention. I’ll simply say this about the plot: just when you think it’s about corrupt government officials protecting drug dealers, WHAM! Nope, it’s about genetically modified ninjas. Take that!

You’ve been warned.

The Daily Orca-Movies My Wife Made Me Watch-American Ninja 2 (1987)

Most of the cast at least look like they’re having some fun. Especially Steve James, who is always a treat (he also played my favorite character in 1988’s I’m Gonna Git You Sucka, which you should probably go watch right now). The star, Michael Dudikoff, on the other hand, punches and kicks his way through the film as if he’s got somewhere better to be. He’s kind of a drag and outperformed by everyone else (even with most of those performances being at the limits of overacted cheese). I’m sure he thought he was destined for greater things. I feel kind of bad that this was basically the apex of his career.

The Daily Orca-Movies My Wife Made Me Watch-American Ninja 2 (1987)

Let’s talk a bit about the stunt work. There’s a reason American production companies shoot action movies in other countries (this one being shot in South Africa). It’s because they can get away with whatever the hell they want to in countries with fewer safety regulations. And it shows here. Good lord! Most of the stunt work looks ill-advised to say the very least. I’d be curious to know the number of on-set injuries these kinds of films averaged back then.

And what’s with the Steve James fight scene at the end of the film looking like it was shot in the basement of the local library? And what’s with the master, who for demonstration purposes only, kills a large number of his own men? And what’s with…shit, I’m into questions territory I don’t want to be in. I’ll stop now.

The Daily Orca-Movies My Wife Made Me Watch-American Ninja 2 (1987)

As I said, I’m kind of surprised I hadn’t seen American Ninja II at least once when I was young. This is exactly the kind of thing that my friends and I would have stayed up late on weekends to watch in the late 80s. We were avid USA Up All Night kids, and this was sure to have aired on that program at least once. I’m sure I would have liked it, to a point anyway, back in my younger days. I certainly do remember seeing the box at the video store, but I never picked it up. I wonder why? Probably because I was too busy renting Cyborg (1989) again.

Is it good? No. Is it fun? Yes. If you like cheesy martial arts films, you’ve probably already seen all the American Ninja movies, and own them on VHS. Good for you. If you’re not into that sort of thing (I’m not that into it myself) then don’t bother. The line has been drawn. On which side do you stand? You don’t have to answer now.

The Daily Orca-Movies My Wife Made Me Watch-American Ninja 2 (1987)

Author’s Note: I can say with quite a bit of certainty that if, in addition to my wife, a select group of old friends from Ortonville, Minnesota had been present while watching this, it would have gotten at least another half star. Sometimes the company you keep can make all the difference.

Erik, how come you never made me watch this?