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All My Records: The Reclusives “Outta My Face”

All My Records: The Reclusives “Outta My Face”

The Daily Orca-All My Records-The Reclusives“Outta My Face”

I remember buying this record from Extreme Noise in Minneapolis shortly after its release in 1996, but until listening to it just now, I had no recollection of what it sounded like. As it turns out, I wasn’t missing much. “Outta My Face” is rather bland and forgettable. It’s easy to see how it was lost in the gluttony of my mid-’90s record-buying splurges (of which there were many), especially considering some of its borderline misogynistic and just plain dumb lyrics. I have hundreds of records from this era that still get regular spins, but this one likely won’t get another any time soon.